Thursday, May 2, 2013

Works Cited



Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Clothing and Recreation


     The French wear lots of dull colors and have a very structured look.  They know when there is an American due to the bright colors we tend to wear on a daily basis without realizing it.  I am known for all my bright colors so before I left and realized that I could not take my bright and obnoxious clothing I was quite upset.


     The French are very different from us when it comes to recreation.  Instead of going outside and playing on a play ground, you can find the people in art museums.


The Government

The capital: Paris
Type: Republic
National Holiday: Bastille Day
National Anthem: "La Marseillaise"
     - Chief of State
     - Head of Government
     - Cabinet
     - Judicial
     - Legislative

Above is a picture from Bastille Day

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Doing Business in France

The Market

68% of the French shop online while 26% of people shop in stores.  Amazon and eBay are very popular sites.  The French shop more online because there are better sales and better options.  It is a law in France that the last week in June and the first week in July, every store needs to have a sale.  This helps stimulate the economy as well as gives people an incentive to shop.  When people do shop they will go to malls, speciality shops, and vintage shops.  The open markets are very popular as well.



Types of Communication used in France:

     - 39.883 million
     - 59.84 million

Broadcast Media
     -Public TV's
     - Privately owned TV's
     - FM stations

     - Users: 45.262 million

Social Media
-21.9 Million users
Twitter (users by age)
          - 1-24: 1.2 million
           -25-34: 1.1 million
          - 35-44: 0.9 million
          - 45-54: 1 million
           - 55+ : 1.3 million
The age group 55+ increased 100% from 2012

Social Networks used by smartphone users
-Facebook: 11,167,000 (+38%)
-Twitter: 1,545,000 (+117%)
-Myspace: 656,000 (-6%)
-Skyrock: 453,000 (+15%)
LinkedIn: 442,000 (+126%)
Viadeo: 183,000  (+44%)
Instagram: 119,000

Oreo Commercials


Below is an Oreo's commercial in France

Below is an American commercial for Oreo's

     The difference in the two commercials is that it is two different target markets.  The French one is marketed towards parents and kids opposed to the American one that is marketed towards college students and young adults.  The atmosphere of the commercials are different as well.  The French one is based in a little girls tent where the American one is based in a library.

     Both commercials elaborate on the chocolate cookie and the white filling.  They both start with interpersonal conversations which allow the citizens to be able to relate to it more.  I think it is extremely interesting how both make the cookie sound so intense with either not sharing or getting upset about the cookie.

Diet and Nutrition

Diet and Nutrition

     France is known for their delicious pastries, bread, wine, and cheese.  Each chef is extremely proud of their cooking and make sure they have the freshest ingredients.  Most chefs will go to the daily market where they will pick up some meats, vegetables, fruits, and cheeses.  Everything is so fresh and there are no preservatives in the food.  I have a dairy allergy but I could eat some dairy products because of how fresh everything was.  The wine is cheaper than a bottle of water and there is no drinking age.  Bread is extremely cheap as well.  A loaf is normally 1 euro which is almost $1.25.  Escargot is also a popular dish in France.  I never tried it while I was over there because I was too scared but I regret not trying it now.
     Looking at all the carbs the French eat, some wonder how they are not overweight.  The French walk everywhere so they walk it off during the day.  They also eat a bigger lunch than dinner so the food has more time to digest.  Going to the gym is also very popular over there.  One thing that is different than here is that people do not walk around in workout clothes.  They go to the gym and change and shower and change after the workout.

Croissants are also a specialty.  Above is a chocolate croissant.  These are to die for!
